Welcome to The Inquisitive Wren podcast. Here we contemplate how psychology often presents itself as the antithesis to spirituality, and how they are a mingling of dissonant ideas. Above all, this is a podcast where we explore the state of being human.
I’m Sha, your host. Whether you move in the world for a time as an artist, psychologist, mother, counsellor, psychiatrist, writer, spiritualist, entrepreneur, psychic, nomad, teacher, content creator, musician, politician, uncle, neighbour, soldier, we want to hear from you about your own personal and professional experiences and ideas about how science and spirituality presents its evidence.
I would love for you to join me every week for new episodes. Let’s discuss, let’s learn, let’s explore. You can follow The Inquisitive Wren on all social media platforms.
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New to the podcast is a new segment on Spirituality called 'The Spirit in Spirituality'. See a list of some of the episodes below.
I will be speaking about my own experiences of Mediumship and as a working Medium, and interviewing Mediums throughout the world about their work and journey into working with the world of Spirit.
In the first episode I introduce the new series and also talk about some concerns with Mediumship, I address those who are either afraid or don't understand Mediumship or psychic abilities, and I am to bring to you some helpful ways in which to make your readings successful for you and how to get the most out of your readings. I will also address training for Mediumship, and aim to answer everything you always wanted to know about Mediumship but were afraid to ask.
My first guest is Liz Winter, and then Ruth Phillips. So head over to the Podcast now to listen. You can also watch any video episodes on the YouTube channel.