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Sha Medium TSL Feb 2016 sl6a
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Mediumship | Psychic Development Course
(Private tutoring over 6 weeks)
 Is this for you?
If you've ever wondered if you were psychic or have mediumship gifts, but you are unsure, second-guessing yourself, fearful, or lack confidence, this is the course for you. Read on.

What you will learn:

  •  Learn how to connect with Spirit and interpret their messages.
  • Connect and identify your Guides.
  • Hone your ‘Clair‘skills (clairvoyant, clairaudient, etc.
  • Identify your strengths as a Medium.
  • If Mediumship is for you?
  • Decipher what are your thoughts and what is coming from Spirit.
  • Deliver clear and concise messages.
  • Push fear aside when connecting.
  • Develop a ‘connection ritual’.

A series of instruction and practice in a ‘Mediumship circle’ in the safety of your own home.
What the course entails:
1.     6 weekly meetings of 90-minute meetings.
2.     Facilitated by a Medium (me!)
3.     Closed group once it starts until the next intake.
4.     Limited amount taken.

To learn more email: info@theseerslight.com

This course is full. Next intake is late January 2023. Email to be put on the list.

Are You a Medium?
(12-Week course)
Is this for you?

Through 25+ years of my work as a Medium both on platform and one-to-one readings, I know that it can take time for you to determine and show proof that you are a Medium. I believe that this is helpful for those who otherwise would sit in a circle for years with no progress, all the while becoming more discouraged with the process and with yourself. If this is you, read on.
What you will learn:
  • How to connect with Spirit.
  • Identify your Guides and Helpers.
  • Test to see if you have Mediumship skills.

What you get:
·      8 weekly sessions 2 hours long.
·      Facilitated by a Medium.
The next step:
If you pass this phase, you can join the Mediumship development circle online. Details only go to those who have passed the first stages.
Further Details:

To show interest and to obtain course fees, email 
info@theseerslight.com and Julienne will send you the information. Or complete the form below.
Show Interest: Development Courses
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